One of the greatest rock writers of all time, Samuel.

Oct 30, 2015 10:02

SPN 11x04 - I really enjoyed this episode and think it's one of the best they've done for a while. It just goes to show that the best part of this show is the relationship between Sam and Dean. Nothing else really matters. The ongoing angel storylines and the Crowley stuff is all irrelevant, the core of the show has always been the two brothers just hunting things. The simple stuff!

I liked that there was a case being investigated and I loved that the camera stayed in the Impala the whole time - even when the boys left - I thought that was really clever and was done really well. The Impala is practically a character in it's own right so I really liked that they give her and episode.

I thought the case was good and I liked that Dean called up Castiel to help out - that scene was pretty funny when Castiel was talking away on the phone when Dean had already left the Impala. I also liked the way the girls lost purse played a part (I wonder what the point of the valet girl taking the car even was until Dean found the purse then I thought it was quite clever) and, of course, he ended up using the hair clip the girl Sam met had left behind.

I miss the simpler episodes like this - the ones that don't focus too much on the ongoing storyline - so this episode really worked for me. The Impala is pretty awesome too so I'm glad they did this.

Arrow 4x04 - I enjoyed this episode. I'm glad Oliver found out about what Lance is doing with Damien Darkh. I hope they've somehow managed to find some common ground now Lance saved his life and that Lance realises that things aren't always easy and that he's been harsh to Oliver in the past. Hopefully they can reach some kind of understanding with Lance still working with Darkh but reporting back to Oliver. I think that could be really good and I hope they learn to trust each other and work together for the good of their city.

I thought the case of the week type thing with those other police officers was quite good and showed just how bad things have got in Star(ling) City for everyone. Let's hope Oliver running for mayor can maybe start to fix things. I kinda like where that's going actually and I liked seeing everyone working together to make that happen even if they didn't think it was a great idea. They still supported Oliver.

I liked their new lair and office (I liked that it used to be used by Blood, that was a nice touch). They've definitely upgraded! I'm interested in what Felicity might hear on that recording of Ray Palmer. Obviously he's not dead for good because he comes back in "Legends of Tomorrow", right?

Speaking of which, I thought he Sara stuff was quite interesting - I wonder if Laurel is starting to regret her decision to bring her back? That's not the Sara they know. I'm interested in seeing how that all plays out.

I think these first few episodes of season 4 have been pretty good. I hope things continue and don't get too complicated.

After those two I watched "Sleepy Hollow" - 3x02 - I thought this episode was quite good and already I think this season seems stronger than the latter have of season 2. I thought the scenes between Ichabod and Abbie were good (I liked them being roomies) and the scenes between Jenny and that guy were good too. I hope we see them teaming up soon.

Incidentally the crossover that's happening (or has it happened?) between "Sleepy Hollow" and "Bones" seems really bizarre to me. So we're to assume now that "Bones" (a show that's always been set in the "real world") is now set in a universe where the supernatural stuff of "Sleepy Hollow" happens. I don't think I like that. I don't know if this crossover will be a good idea. Although I might change my mind when I actually see it.

Finally I watched "Bring the Noise" - episode 2 - I'm not sure if it's just because I saw this one being filmed (it was interesting to see what made it into the episode) but I thought this episode was a lot better than the first one. It seemed less try hard and everyone seemed more comfortable. I think the show needs to settle in and really know what it's trying to be.

I'm only watching it for Ricky though so, from point of view, it's awesome.

tv: sleepy hollow, tv: supernatural, tv: bring the noise, tv: arrow, tv: bones

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