We mustn't dwell. No, not today. We can't. Not on Rex Manning Day!

Apr 08, 2015 15:43

It's suddenly got pretty warm these last few days - not like Summer's day warm but definitely Spring warm. It's quite nice but at the same time it means I'm not quite sure what to wear. I've got used to wearing jeans, boots and jumpers.

In TV news: last night I watched "The Night Shift" - 2x08 - I thought this episode was quite good. I thought stuff about Paul was quite good and I liked it when he stood up to his dad. Nice support from Scott too. And it made a change for the focus not to be on TC or Jordan. I thought the main case (if you call it that) was quite good too.

After that I watched "The Following" - 3x07 - I thought this episode was okay but, to be honest, it didn't really hold my attention that well as I kept losing focus, because of that it didn't really make that much sense to me. I'm interested in seeing where things can go from here. Is Michael Ealy the main focus of the case now?

Then I watched "Elementary" - 3x16 - I thought this episode was good. I liked finding out more about how Sherlock was before he met Watson and before he became sober. I thought the case was good too - I felt sorry for Sherlock when he thought he could have killed that woman because he didn't remember and who he was then might have been capable of doing it. I loved it when Watson refused to believe that he could have done it though - and it was nice that Bell and Gregson supported him too.

Finally I watched "The 100" - 2x14 - another pretty good episode this week. I liked the Bellamy stuff again and it was cool when he had to blow that thing up because he couldn't get a message to the others that it wasn't safe. I'm looking forward to him being reunited with the others. Interesting turn of events between Clarke and Lexa too - they are really good together though and I'd quite like to explore their feelings when the time is right.

I've got another busy TV schedule tonight.

tv: the 100, tv: the following, tv: elementary, tv: the night shift

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