I didn't mean to

Dec 11, 2014 16:03

All of my shows are having their midseason finales at the moment - and two of my shows had theirs last night.

SPN 10x09

I thought this was quite a good midseason finale although the final scene was pretty obvious, I thought. I think we all knew that Dean wasn't really okay and it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. It was a pretty great scene though - especially when it was intercut with the dream Dean had been having - and Sam running in and asking if he had no other choice was good too. With Dean just replying that he didn't mean to. I'm looking forward to were things might go from here. I did like the scene between Dean asking Castiel to kill him if the time came because he knew Sam wouldn't do it.

The scenes between Castiel and Jimmy's daughter were quite good too - it was nice to see some fall out from what Castiel did to get Jimmy's vessel. Claire's life was ruined because Castiel used Jimmy's body and didn't take care of it. I quite like that and I liked that Castiel was trying to make things better because he knew it was his fault.

I'm not that interested in the Crowley storyline though which is a shame because I do like Mark Sheppard in this role. I just found his scenes boring this week.

The Flash 1x09

I thought this was a really good midseason finale and I'm continuing to enjoy this show. This show is the kind of show that does the lighthearted stuff really well but we'd never seen it to the emotional stuff effectively. Until now. The scenes between Barry and his Dad, Barry and Iris and Barry and Joe were really moving this week. And Grant Gustin did a really good job with the emotional stuff and his sad face (where he was on the brink of tears) was just heartbreaking. He looked like a poor kicked puppy and that's just not right.

The scene when he told Iris how he feels about her was a good one too - I especially liked that he wasn't expecting anything from her, he just couldn't lie to her anymore and needed her to know. He didn't expect her to reciprocate or anything like that. I thought that was a really good insight into Barry and the person he is.

I enjoyed the scenes between him and Joe as well - like Joe said, the city might need the Flash but he just needs Barry Allen. That was so sweet. I really like all of the character interaction in this show. I think it's one of this shows strengths.

I also liked the scenes relating to who killed Barry's Mum - are we to believe that Wells is the man in the yellow suit? But why would he want to kill himself? Or make it look like the man wanted to kill him? I'm beginning to think that if there's a timey wimey aspect to this then if the man in the yellow suit is Wells, maybe the other speedy person who was there when Barry's mum died (and like Cisco said created the orange light Barry saw) was in fact Barry from the future who was there to save young Barry? Or something?

I'm looking forward to seeing where this aspect of the show goes from here.

I thought the Caitlin stuff was good too - so Ronnie is back. And is a good guy? Well, he did save Barry when he was in that fight with the man in the yellow suit, didn't he? I'm looking forward to seeing where that might so too.

And this episode was set around Christmas which I always enjoy.

After those two I watched "Sleepy Hollow" - 2x09 - I thought this was a pretty good episode. I liked the information we got about Abbie and Jenny's mother and how she wasn't crazy, she was trying to protect them. This episode was lacking in Ichabod but I do like Hawley so it was good seeing him involved in this episode. Good to see Irving again too - I hope we get to see more of him and I'm interested in how his storyline is gonna go from here.

Finally I watched "How To Get Away With Murder" - 1x08 - I thought this was an interesting episode and we've almost reached the night of the murder we've been snippets off in the flash backs. All the people and objects are in place, we just need to see how they collide on that night and who delivers the fatal blow. I have a few ideas myself and next weeks midseason finale is gonna reveal everything.

tv: sleepy hollow, tv: supernatural, tv: how to get away with murder, tv: the flash

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