WH13 5x06 (series finale)
So the time had arrived for the final episode ever of "Warehouse 13". I have to be honest, it was really hard just pressing "play" because I was not ready for the end of this show at all. When it was first announced that this season would be the last I was kind of okay with it but when this season started it just hit me that it wasn't gonna be on anymore after these six episode. And that hurt.
I thought this episode was a really good send off though - I cried, I laughed and then I cried some more. I really liked the way the episode was focused on the teams defining moments. I thought that was a pretty good way to do it actually (especially given that they only had 6 episodes to wrap this all up). And I liked seeing everyone's defining moments. I especially loved that Pete's defining moment was just his whole experience in the Warehouse, just finding somewhere to belong and being with people he cared about was his defining moment about being there. I thought that was really nice and I think the scene when he realised that and talked about it was the second time that this episode made me ugly cry. The first time being when Artie was shouting at the Warehouse about the sacrifices he'd made and the things he'd given the Warehouse. That scene was so sad - and beautifully acted.
I liked that Pete was really upset and angry about the possibility of the Warehouse closing and him losing everything that made him the man he is - the best he could be. I thought that was a really great scene, especially when he was saying that he was a screw up before he joined the Warehouse and he didn't want to go back to that again. Pete's always been my favourite on this show and I really liked what they did with him in this final episode.
I also really liked the Pete and Myka scenes - even though I know some of the fandom are gonna be really annoyed about it - as I used to ship them a lot back at the beginning of the show. Even though I was happy with the friendship they had I do like that they got their romantic happy ending. One of the best things about it though was that when Myka realised how she felt about Pete she acted on it straight away - which was a complete contrast to how Pete had been acting since he realised. I really liked that and it suited both of their personalities. And Pete's reaction was perfect - first not believing it was really Myka and then being all "wow". I liked that.
The Steve and Artie scenes were good too as usual - I liked finding out that Artie had a son (we didn't know that already, did we?) and the talk he had with Claudia about being selfish sometimes was really good. I loved the little dysfunctional family these characters had and I'm really gonna miss it. I liked Steve's little defining moment too - and I thought it was sweet that he didn't think he was gonna have one. Aww. Bless him.
By the end of this episode I was ugly crying again and the scene of them getting a new ping and then slowly fading away was both beautiful and heartbreaking. I'm seriously gonna miss these characters as I'd grown to love them all so much in completely different ways and my TV schedule isn't gonna be the same without this fun little sci-fi show with a family dynamic.
Thank you for the endless wonder, Warehouse 13. I'll miss you.
24LAD 9x04
Things are really starting to get going now (I guess they have to with only 12 episodes to work with this time around)! I enjoyed this episode.
I loved Jack running around the embassy creating all kinds of havoc! That's just so Jack, isn't it? I liked the scene when he met Tanner and was the only person who believed him. I liked that moment because I think maybe Tanner had was starting to just accept his fate and then Jack comes blazing in telling him wild theories and that he believes him. I really liked that when he asked Jack why he should believe him Jack just said that, right now, he's the only one that believes him and that's the real question. I find their dynamic quite interesting, I wonder if they'll interact again?
I liked that Heller and Audrey finally found out about Jack being in London - I don't like Audrey but I could understand her being annoyed at her husband for not telling her sooner. And Pres Heller is stupid if he doesn't believe Jack. Jack's right, he's never lied to him (that I can remember) so why would he start now? I hope Heller realises his mistake before it's too late. Speaking of Heller, I was pleasantly surprised by how his address to the British politicians went as well as it did. I was cringing during that scene because I was expecting him to say something wrong.
And it looks like Kate has starting believing Jack already! I was wondering how long it would take for her to take his side so I hope she really has and isn't just playing him to bring the hostage situation to an end (although that would be quite clever of her). I think they could make good allies so I'm hoping they work together as the season goes on.
I thought the Jack and Chloe stuff was good again - I thought it was interesting when the person she works with now questioned her loyalty to Jack and she said that if it wasn't for Jack, she'd be dead. Anyway, despite all the crazy stuff they've been through, they're friends and they're always loyal to each other. Their friendship is my favourite part of the show.
Margot is badshit crazy. As soon as that dude expressed his desire to leave and his doubt I had a feeling she'd make him stay somehow and as soon as he said that nothing she did would make him stay I just knew that her daughter would be on the receiving end of something. I thought for a minute that Margot was gonna kill her (which is something I still think is gonna happen before the end of the day.
Oh, and when Jack met Tanner I was half expecting him to say "you have my word" or something similar and then I almost laughed out loud when Chloe said it!
Finally for Tuesday I watched "Elementary" - 2x23 - I'm not sure how I feel about this Mycroft story arc - and I'm not a big fan of him and Joan together. The chemistry just isn't there for me. She has more chemistry with Bell. And judging by how this episode progressed next weeks finale seems like it might be all about Mycroft. I'm not really looking forward to that.
I do like the way they're playing Sherlock during all of this though - it shows his insecurities really well and how much he's come to rely on Joan. Jonny Lee Miller is doing a good job with it.