Sleepy Hollow 1x13
Well, this ended on a massive cliffhanger and I literally shouted "No! You can't end it there!" at the screen - with Abbie in purgatory, Ichabod buried and Jennie still unconscious after that car crash. I actually hadn't even considered that Henry might not be trust worthy - it was only when Jennie found that church sign and called Abbie to tell her that someone can't be trusted that I thought something might not be right there. And that was only because I knew it couldn't be Ichabod so had to be Henry because he was the only one left. I didn't see it coming at all that he's really Ichabod and Katerina's son! I feel like I need to watch back some of the previous episodes to look for clues.
I enjoyed the Abbie and Ichabod scenes in this episode - I like the friendship they have but I don't ship them romantically. I think their connection is deeper than that. I hope their scenes continue into the next season - once they've both got out of their predicaments!
I've enjoyed this season as a whole - although haven't loved it quite as much as I was expecting (given what I'd heard about it before it started). Still a good show though (and this season has flown by!) and I'm looking forward to seeing where things can go from here. Roll on season 2.
Person of Interest 3x15
I really enjoyed this episode - it was a really good stand alone story and I thought it really worked. It was cool seeing Finch being the one survielling the person of interest this week. I think Shaw and Reese were right, sitting by a computer talking on an ear piece was right up his street! And besides, he was helping people.
I thought Sandra was a really interesting character and they did a good job of writing her as a standalone character. I liked that we got a little bit of her backstory which was relevant to why the bad guys phoned her and used her to do what they wanted - under the threat of hurting a child. I also liked her scenes with Finch. Especially the one at the end when he showed her how Aaron was doing now.
At first I thought it was quite interesting that Fusco was working on a separate case. When it was revealed that the case he was working on (with the new rookie) was actually connected to the number Finch, Reese and Shaw was in it actually made it better. I liked the rookie too - I hope we get to see him again - and I thought the scenes with him and Fusco were really good. Maybe Fusco actually likes sharing his knowledge and helping other cops solve cases.
I liked the scenes between Shaw and Reese too - they make a good team and it's nice to see somehow having Reese's back in the field. I liked it when she told Reese to let her clear the way before going in - “there's no dead in team”. When Shaw first joined the show I wasn't sure about it and thought it would alter the dynamic too much. I think it works now though and nice to see Reese not working alone.
So, they didn't catch the man behind the voice on the phone - and now he's threatened Finch (and Reese and Shaw don't know about it). Do I sense another ongoing storyline?
Psych 8x06
So this was an unexpectedly emotional episode for me and it's just hit me how much I'm gonna miss this show when it ends (in four episodes time). The scene between Lassie and Juliet when he told her that if he accepted the chief position it wouldn't be with her there and that he couldn't and wouldn't do it without her was where it all got emotional. And then when Juliet took the job with Vick and then left without Shawn at the end. Too many feelings for me. I don't even want to think about how things might end - and the fact that Shawn and Gus might not be in the same city at the end really upsets me. They can't separate the boys. But at the same time they can't separate Shawn and Jules. I'm so torn. I am quite pleased though that it seems like the writers have an ending in mind.
The case of the week in this episode was kind of incidental - although it did lead to some pretty funny Lassie moments and the flashbacks to the date of the crime with the Psych regulars playing criminals and investigative reporters was fun. It was almost too gimicky but then the character driven stuff kinda balanced it out.
I have a feeling these last handful of episodes are gonna hurt. I don't think I'm ready to say goodbye to this show - especially now things suddenly seem so final.
Arrow 2x14
Well, this episode was awesome!
I thought the case of the week was pretty interesting - Robert Knepper is always cool and it was kinda fun seeing Felicity meet someone who matched her skills computer wise. Even though it happened to come at a time when she was feeling surplus to requirements which was a shame for her. I felt really sorry for her during this episode actually - it wasn't even about her feelings for Oliver (more on that later), it was about the fact that she'd found a place where she's a valued member of the team and the arrival of Sara made her wonder if she was even needed anymore. I loved the scenes between her and Diggle - especially the one when she said that it wasn't about Oliver and Sara being together, it was about feeling like she wasn't good enough. I loved Diggle reassuring her. I actually really love their friendship. I also liked that he told Oliver about Felicity feeling insecure. I really liked Diggle in this episode actually.
Once again I also loved Felicity scenes generally - I think she's probably my favourite character in this show - I liked it when she was trying to be involved in the scars discussion and then when she was trying to train too (liked Oliver's "what are you wearing?"). I really liked the scenes between her and Sara too. She might be a bit jealous of Sara's relationship with Oliver but that doesn't mean she's gonna dislike Sara because of it. I thought it was cool when Felicity pushed Sara out of the way and took a bullet for her. I guess she has her own scar now!
Now obviously I loved the Oliver and Felicity scenes. They're just so cute together - I thought the scene when she told him she's used to being his girl was just perfect. Especially Felicity rambling on slightly more than usual. I think Oliver thought her drugged state was adorable and has response that she'll always be his girl was super cute. I think it was delivered in just the right way too. Not too much sentiment and just enough humour. I think you could tell that he really meant it. I also liked how concerned they all were when Felicity went off by herself to try and catch the bad guy. She knows that's not in her wheelhouse so it was kind of a silly thing to do. Luckily she didn't end up putting her life in too much danger. I was kinda hoping Oliver, or Diggle, would be annoyed at her for risking herself like that. Shame we didn't get anything like that.
I thought the Lance family scenes were pretty good too - although I don't think it was such a good idea for Sara to bring Oliver to their dinner. Even if she did want support, she should have known it wasn't gonna end well. I was quite pleased that Oliver called Laurel out on all of her shit - I think it was something she needed and it's given her that extra push to try and get her life together. I guess that's called tough love. Hopefully she can sort things out now. I also thought the scene between her and Sara was good. I hope they can start have a relationship again now. I thought the flashbacks worked quite well this week too - I liked the stuff about the pilot who Sara couldn't save and how she promised to take care of his daughter. I thought it was a really nice explanation into Sin. It's nice that Sara has that relationship with her, just like she promised.
I also have to comment on Stephen Amell's acting - to be honest during season one I didn't really rate him but I think he's really come into his own in this season and has brought some great insights into Oliver and delivered some really good performances. I think I've commented on some specific scenes in previous posts but I feel the need to really focus on it in this post. I thought he was really good during his scene with Laurel - you could tell that Oliver had been trying to keep it in through fear of hurting her feelings but I think he knew now that it was something that had to be said. I'm looking forward to some more good stuff from him in future episodes.
I thought it was good that Thea is already starting to sense that something isn't right between Oliver and their mother. I didn't think it would take her long to know something was up. I wonder how she long she's gonna stay in the dark about this?
Now I did not see that final scene coming at all! I really didn't think Oliver would find out that Slade is still alive just yet - maybe I thought they were saving it for the finale. I don't know, but I wasn't expecting it now. Again I was impressed by Stephen Amell during this scene - his understated reaction was perfect for someone who was trying not to react. Can't wait to see where we can go from here.