So, I watched "Misfits" 5x08 (finale) - as an episode I thought this was pretty good but as a series finale, last ever episode, I thought it was very disappointing and it didn't seem final at all, which was a shame because they had time to prepare for it and it could have been really awesome with a bit of effort - I don't even think they really
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I thought the scenes between Steve and David were really good - I think Steve really respected him as a person. David's shock and surprise when Steve said he'd take the case was perfect. He'd been trying for so long to get someone to care and finally someone did. He couldn't believe it.
There hasn't been enough Danny for the most part this season but I think a lot of that does have to do with other things Scott Caan has going on - I guess he must have an interesting show contract if they let him do other things while filming is happening. I want more Danny too!
Catherine didn't even say much in those scenes though - she just stood there. Steve could have just been there by himself.
I felt sorry for him because he'd been directing all that hate towards the wrong person (silently) for all this time. I was pleased he got the closure he so desperately wanted and got to meet Ezra and shake his hand, knowing that Ezra actually tried to help his father.
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