Jun 22, 2006 17:48
Ok, so I really do not like any of my classes this quarter really. I have my Bio class which is filled with the football team and they are loud, obnoxious, don't do any of the work in our group, and I don't wanna be mean, but do seem smart at all. They do have big muscles though, but that’s about it. Not only that the class is beyond long with three 2 hour lectures followed by 2 THREE hour labs.....
My Bus-Mgt class is ok, but I have a friend that got such a low grade (D) and I'm afraid for what I'm going to get.. But it was the first time I've ever taken notes on my computer so that was fun for me, excel, word and paint! Ok, I'm way to easily excited today...lol.
Now I'm sitting in my Accounting class while I'm doing this update. First of all this class is so boring I can't even pay attention and I was in full intent to type notes on my computer while I had it open, but that just didn't happen now did it.. Here is a first: My Professor had a call on his cell phone and actually left class to take the call!! I've never had that happen to me!!!
I did take a break today thought because we finished our lab early for bio so I had two hours to kill. First I went to go see Wang Laoshi from Chinese, but of course she wasn't there, but the guy that answered the door to the TA lounge was beyond hott and I think is gay :). I wonder if it's wrong to hit on one..hmm I'll have to get Cheryl to tell me what his name is ..ok I'm bad.
After the eye candy and bitching on Cheryl's wall, I was off to Sarah’s where we ate healthy complete with turkey, fat free cheese and lettuce on pita, with carrots and baked chips and salsa (which was actually good!). But then we went to Cold Stone and completely blew all of that healthiness...awe well Mint Mint Chocolate Chocolate Chip!
Well, I got two tickets to the Drexel for tonight so, off to see Adam and Steve with Sarah. I hope it’s good. I love independent movies :)