Apr 12, 2006 21:10
This week started out as the worst ever. I mean I got a call from Take Stock informing me that I have recieved the full scholarship to FAU. That sparked a fire. All day tuesday, if someone said the wrong thing to me, or if they asked what was wrong - I would just start crying. Yes, it was that bad. As the week progresses, (seeing that today is now wednesday), things arent that bad anymore. I guess you could say that its simmered down.
I also had a doctors appointment. That went well. I had a new nurse. aka a new victom. I have a reputation with the nurses at my pediatrition. I am Cassandra the terror. The one who did not allow any nurse near her with a needle or near her period. Lucky miss.new nurse, she didnt get the terror.
Anyway, as I've been thinking more, writing, and talking to other people about this whole FAU situation, reality and rationality has set in. So, as of now, I am accepting the scholarship. Forfitting my prepaid program that I've been with for the past five years. So I cassandra lawson am going to FAU. Although, I may be miserable, I'll have to deal with it. I'm getting a free college education. And I wont be in debt if I decide to get my masters in whatever I decide on doing. Who knows, I might change my mind about being a teacher. Minds change.
School is getting interesting. We have exactly 20 days left. and some other amount of days until we have to present our senior projects, which by the way, im not doing anything about. Actually, my presentation is going to consist of me showing clips from Discovery Health Channel's plastic surgery shows and maybe a little of Dr. 90210, and getting a sheet of banner paper from SGA so I can trace myself and use it as a diagram showing where like insions go for enhancements etc. Sounds like a good idea. I think its funny that we somehow manage to get the english tests .. do them one or two nights before and then miracuously pass the test after complaining that we dont understand what we're reading. Luckily for us, shes too..dumb for say, to realize whats going on. And yes, it my seem sad that it resorts to that, but when you have her for a teacher youd do the same thing. And i'm over psychology. Let me just fail the exam and get it over with. I'll just study my butt off for A.P Environmental.
Which reminds me I have two tests tomorrow. Do I study for either ? Answer = No.