Title: Ordinary Author: justthismorning Rating: G Pairing: Arthur/Merlin Summary: Morgana doesn't need to magic to see. A/N: sort of a continuation of Precious. You don't have to read that one to understand this one.
*sigh* this one's lovely too ^_^ I love Morgana And I love your descriptions of how they don't need words, just their facial expressions, little quirks So adorable So perfect ^_^
I'm perusing the archives, came across this, and had to stop and tell you how much I like it. ♥ Amazing, how well you captured their relationship in such a short piece.
They botch real communication beyond recognition, but they don’t need it anyway. Aww, that sums them up perfectly. *loves*
Comments 8
Oh, oh, oh your POV is wonderful and that last line is perfect.
I love Morgana.
I love Morgana
And I love your descriptions of how they don't need words, just their facial expressions, little quirks
So adorable
So perfect ^_^
They botch real communication beyond recognition, but they don’t need it anyway.
Aww, that sums them up perfectly. *loves*
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