Sep 14, 2005 21:15
ok well things are going better but idk i just have a weird feeling...i understand its still early but idk i really feel like i should be home...all i do is workk and get no sleep...idk im having really mixed feelings but seriously a lot of people are unhappyy here and idk i just dont wanna be one of them--well im gonna go back to gc tomorrow nitee to surprise gianni even though i have to go back really early friday morning haha but he was suppose to pick me upp on friday after my classes but now ill go and surprise him haha...and then he still can pick me upp on fridayy! haha well i haventg stayed one weekend at school and i dont plan on doing so either...idk im so much happier when i go home like thats just the world to me right now...anywho i guess thats it i miss everyone!....i hope everyones having fun at school...both those in college and in hs! haha well catch ya on the flipp side :P
love yazz,
[oh lets go backk to the startt]