Dec 25, 2005 14:41
well this years christmas was very interesting. i got a gigantic bathrobe that is so comfortable its like ahhhhhh its great and then i got a few books, $50, a phone thats coming, a nice keyboard for my computer (it does help to type on a keyboard), a couple model cars, a model plane, a couple more books, a semi-fun game, a hotwheels racer thing (i havent played with cars in years), and then i got some candy. and some other clothes (aerpostale sweatshirt, old navy pj's, abercrombie polo). so yes, it was good.
ok so funny story that might not be too funny. yesterday my mom was out snowblowing he backyard around the pool because we wanted nana to be able to walk around (she didnt) and so shes just like hey im snowblowing and then she runs over the hose. i clearly marked where the hose was to prevent such accidents from happening bt she ignored the lil flags i planted and just went straight over the hose. so today me and my other mom had to go di the hose out of the snowblower bc well it cant stay in the snowblower. ok so anyway that was funnier when i started writing it. now i think its stupid.
oh im going to SEE FEDERICA TOMORROW WAHOO. if we dont get lost. and then i definitely wanna see a few other people including jasper, lucy, sarah driscoll, elise (elise you will be publicly chasticed in front of the whole school and then flogged at noon for not calling me)
ok well i guess thats it, not much else to tell. oh well actually there is. today while we were putting the turkey in the oven someone had a lil napkin in the turkey tin thing and it caught on fire so we were like ahhh the turkey's on fire!!! ok well it was kinda funny then
also im starting to feel bad for the lil animals we eat, like ahh i think tonight im gonna ahve fruit and a vitamin water (i somehow managed to get 6 vitamin waters for christmas) and that will be my dinner. with a cookie after.
ok so hope everyones having a good christmas so far, and continues to have a good christmas, and all of you should make a facebook! go to and look for me (dave h-rahn) and then make your own
merry christmas and happy hanukkah tonight