Title: The Great Cross-Fandom Eyebrow-Off
Pairings: IMPLIED Jon/Stephen(in character) and Harry/Snape.
Rating: soo PG
Summary: So, Lia told me to crossover drabble. This is surely the first to come of many crack!drabbles.
The Eyebrow of Stephen Colbert The Eyebrow of Severus Snape *replacement image*
Stephen arches his eyebrow, delicately and high like a soaring American flag, egging on his opponent.
Snape quirks his frown into a smirk, taking the challenge as he gracefully contorts his own eyebrow into a menacing feature.
“Anti-American COMMIE,” Stephen spits out in his mind, fueling with rage over the counter-challenge by this foreigner.
Severus thinks nothing, or if he does, he’s using that special occlumency on Stephen (which makes the Baby Jesus sad).
When Jon and Harry come to escort them from their mandatory Anger Management Session two hours later, Stephen and Snape haven’t moved their brows a millimeter.