(no subject)

Sep 20, 2010 23:13

I don't...... I don't think I've ever been this busy and focused on one thing ever before.

Hey guys. Been a while. I'm managing. Law school is not so much hard as it's a huge time sink. What makes it hard is the amount of crap you have to cram into your brain in such a short amount of time. It's times like these where I wish I didn't have stuff like the entirety of Pokemon Red and Blue committed to memory. Maybe if that was gone I'd have some free space. x_x (Besides, I have my original Nintendo Power walkthrough still, hur hur.)

I have to go to bed, so unfortunately I can't really type anything of narrative substance. But if you're wondering how I've been, I'll just go ahead and post my daily schedule for tomorrow:

Alarm clock at 6:30
Catch 8:00 bus to campus
Torts 8:45-10:15
Open period, which will be spent eating lunch and doing homework for Wednesday
Contracts 12:15-1:30
Legislative Interpretation and Regulation 2:00-3:00
Open period, will be spent studying
Legal Research, Writing, and Appellate Advocacy 4:15-5:15
Just miss the 5:15 bus home, so catch the 5:45 one instead
After traffic, get home at 6:30
Meager attempt to cook dinner while feeling guilty it's taking so long as opposed to eating a TV dinner or takeout
Half an hour to check my e-mail, LJ, Facebook etc
Finish any homework I still haven't done

And then if, by 10:00, I'm finished, I stop and do something mindless until it's time to go to bed. This isn't an exaggeration, I have 13 or 14 hour days 4 days a week, and 8-9 hour days on Fridays. Plus having to devote at least 10 hours over the weekend to prepare for the next week.

I admit it's not always as bad as above, class-wise. For example, I don't usually have LWRAP on Tuesdays; we've got some extra classes added because we're learning how to do research in the law library. But on most days there's some other thing going on that takes up my time, like a lecture being given by a visiting attorney, or a student organization meeting, etc.

I try to go to those as much as I can - anything to give me an advantage. That feels weird because I'm absolutely not a cutthroat competitive person. But I think for the first time I'm doing something with a real purpose in mind, if that makes sense. I am here to become an attorney. To get a job. With the job market being so bad, especially the legal profession, I need every edge I can get over my classmates, unfortunately. I'm determined not to be the person stuck with a part-time clerkship after graduation because I will not be able to afford my student loans in that kind of a situation. It's really like... do-or-die.


I'll leave you with this comedic gem.

image Click to view

life is sucky, fml, like an adult!, cooking, life is good, hotlanta, ms. fancy lawyerpants

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