Jun 04, 2004 13:42
well summer is here, susie isnt living at home right now, she got the job with mcdonalds...etc....ive been workin out at the jcc the past 2 days cause i havent had to work, today i work 7 hrs and tomorrow i work 9...i dislike work, my feet always hurt when im done....so yeah im living at the barn because im having issues, but me and my fam are cool, in july im gonna go to guanajuato for a month and learn spanish and stay with a family, that should be cool..im really excited about it....im gonna try to get a job at the "great harvest" its a bread place where mia works she says its way easy and pays better than mcdonalds...my parents took away the credit card since im not living there right now....but ill get it back when i move back in, whenever that is....around here ive been starting to clean dishes and stuff to earn my board and stuff...so im pretty tired right now from wakin up so early and staying up so late but its fun and good for me, im going under major remodeling of me, im trying to change myself like my mind, its been sorta stressful...everyone keeps telling me im moody, i dont think i am i just think they are bugging me, its mainly just frank and jake so im prolly right...they are always 2 steps behind me and breathing down my neck....i love them but damn....jake is always correcting everything i do, and frank is always joking about somthing i take personaly it drives me nuts!!! and sr is just...i dunno hes happy then hes sad or mad again...same old stuff with him....and he thinks its me!!??!! who has the history of being pissy???me or him?? tell me cause im dying to know!! and my managers are dumb, especially patrick, he is sooo stupid it drives me nuts the other ones i respect alot more, but patrick is sort of a dick and he bothers me....NE WAYS hopefully ill have a better job set up for me when i get back from mexico in august...i have horrible hrs at mcdonalds...they make me work alot...which isnt bad really, but its gross and it makes me sick to eat their food for dinner 5 days a week whem im trying to stay in shape and the managers talk to me like im dumb when im more intelligent than they are....which is sad on their bahalf...they are all closed minded....(spawn of clark...run away!!!) lol...but yea other than that...thats ma life right now...miss me....and if ne one wants ta chill this summer im willing too, im trying to get off work earlier in the day and come in earlier...like insted of 4-11 noon till 7 u know? cause i hate closing and im soo tired ne way....so we shall see... i doubt they let me keep the job while im away for the month so im gonna apply to great harvest and heb and stuff....sound good??? does to me lol id rather be walking and doing better things than dealing with stupid coworkers lol...and greasy french fries eww :( lol im such a woos...i do more work here for free but i dunno...we shall see im soo drained of all energy right now its unbeleivable...they finally got the ac at work working so now i can enjoy work alot better :) yeay!!!