Mar 20, 2010 03:00
I try not to be selfish, but in the end it's all I ever end up being.
I extol myself as an icon of empathy, yet I am unable to keep myself from hurting others.
"You can only bring happiness to others when you find it yourself".
It's a familiar saying. A cliche in all sense of the word... and totally appropriate for me. Trying to make others feel good about themselves can only last for so long when it's an act. It's impossible to keep up, and when the farce ends things wind up worse off than ever. Only by finding myself can I ever know how to help others. Only by being completely comfortable in who I am can I bring true comfort to others.
On Raine:
Things are over between us - it was already too late by the time I thought things were getting better with her. I stopped loving her for a couple weeks back before the summer and it sealed our fate. I pushed he so far away while I wandered around on my own lost path; by the time I came to my senses she had given up.
She found someone else while I flailed around to save our relationship. And while I might call him "the bear", I envy him for being able to bring happiness to a woman that I still have deep feelings for. She wont talk to me now. All I get are snippets of her life from mutual friends' facebook entries... it's painful to see. I hope we can fix things in the future.
I know how the dream I'm living in ends. This game will end badly for me... It's enough for me if he can bring a smile to your face.