Mar 14, 2008 17:16
My soul is setting
My spirit is rising
"To release someone you have to forgive them. If you truly forgive someone (or yourself), you cannot `blame' that person, even though to the rational mind he/she is `blameworthy'. It follows that, if you do not `blame' a person, you cannot `resent'. In the same way, if you do not `resent', you cannot hold bitterness and so if we do not hold bitterness, then you do not hate (or dislike) the individual. If you do not hate, then you are not held in bondage emotionally."
We made it through the hot summer nights
We stood in the cold winter morning air
Seen the sunrise rise till the sun set
And babe, you ain't seen nothing yet.
"I guess its okay to bow down to the greater good sometimes and just admit your wrong."
"just give me a chance, just give me one chance to look into your eyes and expres myself like I always used to, let me cry on your shoulder and show you true compassion I have for you, let me tell you the truths about what I really feel, let me show you how much someone in this world really does love you, find it in your heart to forgive me and begin to heal, for I am only human"
'Im sick to my stomach, I spent the night dry heaving., and it hurt so bad, just as bad as my heart is burning up inside, and its constantly happening every moment and second of this day. How come it hurt more than we expected, I thought I would have dry eyes, but instead I cried out of my eyes today, it hurt but I guess its for the best but not in my mind. its a rude awakening for what I have become,and what I have become is something that is now unfortuantly done'
Feelings still run strong and long...They dont disappear over night
I understand your struggle just try and understand mines and we can come to peace at heart.
Follow a good path, lead a simple and decent life, dont get into trouble and keep to yourself. Save yourself because thats all matters in last requests to you...
I believe we as a people were created to love and aswell accept. These two things go hand and hand. Without one there would be a unbalanced scale. without one another, the other will become obsolete and useless. For example. To love is to accept basically. We are accepting the fact that we are having only certain types of emotions for one seperate person. Family love and a outside of the family love are two different things. If we are unable to accept. there would be no reasoning, no understanding, and most importantly, no resepct. You see in order to accept, we must learn to cope with anothers problems, or lifestyle. Thus we cant change a person to the way we want them, if so we lose respect for ones personality, train of thought. That is one rule of the acceptance. WE CANT change anybody except ourselfs. Choices people make are also based upon acceptance, just like the personality ordeal. we cant change, no matter how hard we kick and cry or moan. it wont, and if you succede by these things, thats called "pitty". We as a person must come to terms upon why someone said, did, or even dresses they way they do. Its their lifestyle and they are living it to their maximum extent to happiness.
Love....the other balanced side of the see this is one of the most important character shaping emotion/characteristic that we behold in ourselfs. It can either make or break us as a human being. It can change a life forever, or make a bad one, worse. I believe it goes along with acceptance because, in order to love...we must of course, accept a persons personality. Well, first of all really, if you "love" someone more than likely you will be happy with their surroundings and their way of life, but in the future problems will arise, things will happen. Hopefully they will be solved if both people are either willing to cooperate, or accept. We must listen to every persons emotions and words because they are vital to us in every single types of way. They can bring us hope, build morale, and strength. Unfortuantly, some people are suckers for sweet talk, and if you are I give you a word of advice. Dont judge a person highly on the first day you meet them, give it time, let the words expand into human characterstics and let it all grow...Its the best thing that is possible for A relationship, and not just a love relationship...a relationship with a friend...
feel my feelings
"if I had a wish
I'd gladly trade you
for the wish,
When I had that wish
I would wish for you back,
Just so nothing ever would have changed"