she danced with chemicals while i watched from a chair

Jul 20, 2005 22:44

its incredible how one person at one specific instance will meet you and from that day on things are completely.... life is like a pinball machine and we just bounce off of each other, sometimes we get bonus points and rocketed into other awesome people and situations, setting off lights and earning another chance somewhere we just might need. and sometimes you get sunk, no way to stop you from falling low but if you have been lucky enough to earn a second chance you shoot right up to the top because everyone loves a sob story. then from the top all you can do is gradually work your way back down with periodic spurts of popularity and good times. wierd.

god what the fuck man. a loss of innocence is loss of life, their is only one way to purity from here(
DEATH) being with her was like standing in the middle of the road in the middle of nowhere and having a car pass by with music blarring out the windows that doesnt stop and just keeps driving away. ill meet you at the horizon.

what a wierd thing.

xcheers for the pastx
xxcheers for all the goodbyesxx
xcheers for what is to come because with a past future isx

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