Sep 19, 2003 23:49
Packing pisses the hell out of me.
It always begins nice and organized with me taking all my stuff out of my drawers, closets, cars, under my bed, and all other random places that my stuff tends to migrate to. Then I put them in nice organized piles. Yeah i know, very Martha Stewart, what can I say? I try.
Then to mix things up I throw in a load of laundey not differentiating between color because I am convinced its a marketing ploy not to mix colors so they can 1)sell more detergent (loads of whites are always less then half a load of darks) and 2) Invent crazy ideas like bleach for colors (umm, what? doesent bleach get rid of color?)
but I digress...
Now things get tricky. I begin to organize my piles into which suitcases they can go into. My big suitcase for all my nice clothes that I dont want wrinkled, accesories, and books (and man o man do I bring back books, I have to have my own personal library with me, even if I have read them all tons of times they must come with me!) Next is my small suitcase which takes all my bathroom stuff (hairdryer, makeup, straightener, jewlery...) Now my last suitcase is a dufflebag which can pass for a carry on just in case they decide to enforce the 2 bags to check rule. That takes all my clothes that can get wrinkled. No problem yet.
First problem. Shoes. Need I say more? I simply do not have room. None. nada. Zip. Zilch.
And on top of that not one of my suitcases will close becasue they are overfilled. This leads me to beg my dad to let me borrow one of their suitcases. Again. For the bizzilionth time. The answer is no.
So now I have like a forth suitcase full of clothes and shoes that still needs to be packed and no where to put it all.
I am tired. Stressed. On the verge of tears. All because I have no place for my shoes.
I am going to bed. I have to get up early tommorow and fix this packing problem.
To all a goodnight, and may I not dream of suitcases on prozac chasing me around my house throwing my shoes at me.