Jan 12, 2009 16:38
Today was the first day of the semester, the last semester for meee! I have my internship in the summer, but that doesn't really count as a semester. Haha
I went to sleep around midnight, so I was pretty rested for my 8:30 am Animal Reproduction & Physiology class. My professor stated that we had nothing better to do than: "Wake up early to come in and talk about sex." Which, I guess he could be right. lol It should be an interesting class. It's mainly about bovine repro among others because he likes cattle and pigs. Haha
After that I went to help Rianna get her books from the store since I had like 3 hours between classes. LOL I should have bought mine at the same time, but Mom hadn't put in my check from school from the extra tuition that was offered and not used. Rianna took one book back that was cheaper at another store and saved $20. I'll get my books once I know who's requiring them and who's not. I got two of my surgery books from Elisha so that's money I won't have to spend, I just need two more or something.
Then I had Basic Horsemanship at 12:30 and he just talked. He's a very easy going professor and apparently is the best one to have for teaching if one just wants to ride a horse, not train for the olympics or competition. lmao We have to buy a halter and lead rope, there were people that said I could borrow those and they're not calling me back. D: What am I going to do with a halter and lead rope after this class. Haha I guess I'll have to buy a horse... Anyway, it didn't take long. We had to give proof of insurance though.
American Idol comes on tomorrow!!!