Tony's grandma holding him (I think this was on Christmas)
Tony's grandma and Dad with him
Don't ask :P
Tummy time
I wish the lighting was better on this cuz it's so cute!
Falling asleep on Daddy in silly positions
Ready to go
Looks like he's punching himself :P
Always spits the pacifier out!
Asleep in his rocker
He and Tomo on the bathroom counter
He was kicking the crap out of Tomo and she didn't care :P
I always try to entertain him in the mirror. He doesn't get it :P
On the counter again :P
In the mirror again :P
Being emo about being in the swing
Daddy changing him
Crashed in the swing ;P
Relaxing with Emory
Tomo claimed the co-sleeper
With Tomo on the counter, again
On my legs
He looks so big cuz his pants are too big :P
So peaceful
In what we call his "man pants" and "man shoes" :P
With Tony's brother
And Tony's dad
Ha! I love this
So serious
Snoozin' with Emory
Stares at the toys but doesn't grab for them yet
He's learned to kinda like the swing now
I look like hell, I was so tired and too lazy to shower :P
With Tony's mom
One of my favorite photos so far. He looks so old in this one! I think it's cuz he has a collar, he's wearing shoes with laces, and it looks like he actually has hair, which he doesn't :P