Late squee, but still, a hell of a lot to squee about.
I'm still kind of vaguely around, lurking in the background as I do, but my squee is overflowing on this occasion, hence need for posting. So!
My blithering on Torchwood's 2x01 "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang," plus my favourite moments screen capped by yours truly.
A week on after watching KKBB, and
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In other unrelated questions... we briefly chatted on ckr_actorfic about hot CKR scenes, which you said you were thinking of editing into one big CKR-as-lover vid. Did you ever do that? Just wondering.
And, btw, so sorry to hear of your ME. I have had a similar problem with my diagnosis of myofascial pain syndrome. People assume it's all in your head, or that it's Fibromyalgia, to which it is similar. I couldn't get my doctor to believe me, even AFTER she gave me the HMO referral to the sports medicine doctor who diagnosed it, finally. (She's not my doctor anymore.) I've read variously that MPS may be a remnant of Lyme disease (I've read that about Fibromyalgia, too). But the test for Lyme disease hasto be ordered by a doctor, and the doc who diagnosed me wouldn't because he said it was not the result of anything infectious and I would recover with physical therapy. well, I did, sort of... but not fully, and I have relapses all the time. I initially thought I had carpal tunnel because of the tingling and twitching in my fingers and the way I dropped cups and glasses. But that did not explain the neck and back spasms that I had. I still wonder if there were any way to get the Lyme disease blood test, if I'd test positive... but that's a moot point, since a doctor has to believe you AND know about AND understand a disease before they will order the appropriate tests... and even though Illinois is loaded with tick-bbearing mammals, most doctors persist in believing Lyme disease is a problem only on the east coast... as if ticks somehow obey state boundaries. And of course you can't get the appropriate tests without a doctors order unless you're swimming in loads of money, which I am not. So basically, I have to just suffer and muddle along with drugs and home remedies.
But it sounds like you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Sympathizing with your medical struggles...
You poor Torchwood deprived soul! So glad you enjoyed the caps despite the tease! ;-) There was indeed full man on man action with heaps of tongue! You can see it here: (If you can cope with the spoiler) Nrrrrg. Watching that clip will never get old. I totally understand the need to watch things in order, I'm doing the same with House right now and can't bear to watch the most recent episode despite hearing it's overflowing with House/Wilson goodness; I need to see series 3 from the start first, damn it!
I think I can hook you up with Torchwood series one, I watched some of it streamed here. Hardly the best of places though and it can be tricky… I'm can contact you via PM about another way you can get hold of series one if you’re interested?
Oh, and, yes! I remember chatting to you! See, the thing is, I don't call myself a vidder. I call myself a wannabe vidder because I still haven't finished a vid to date. I have about 8 WIPs on my hard drive, all of which I had to abandon making due to technical issues. I have 20 second sections of vid done here and there, but nothing complete. (WMM is quite possibly the spawn of Satan! Trying with Vegas now... I'm hoping I'll have more luck with it seeing as I actually forked out money for it.) But, first off, I should mention that I'm insane. I try to vid on a laptop. See? Insane. So, I guess that's part of the problem and I need to get some money together to get myself a decent PC I can vid on. Although working on a PC is hardly ME friendly (I spend a lot of time bed bound or with several of my limbs in paralysis) so that sort of adds to the issue. Despite all of these trials, I've been making fan vids in my head since I was six years old. Therefore, I don't think it's something I'm ever going to want to stop doing or even stop *attempting* to do. The need to vid is like, in my blood, or something. So, long story short? No CKR vid. Although I still really, really want to make it and still have a chunk of CKR media that I want to play with. My vid idea was more 'CKR is a slut' than 'CKR as lover', 'cause, ya know, I'm classy like that ;-) I had a particular song in mind, but I'm not sure if it fits. Have you tried making such a vid or just thought about the concept? Would love to hear about it either way :-)
Re: the CKR vid, I have been collecting clips of CKR as lover from various sources. I don't totally rely on the downloaded versions of things -- the visual quality isn't always the best -- so I'm trying to rip specific scenes from various DVDs of shows and movies he's been in. But, yes, it could easily turn into "CKR as slut" because, well, he gets around (in a most delightful way)!
You sound like you vid the way that I write. I have just as many unfinished fics laying around on various computers or USB drives as I have finished fics online somewhere. Maybe more unfinished than finished -- I'm afraid to count!
I don't know, some laptops have the power for vidding. Unless yours doesn't...
I have a PC and a Mac, but I will probably do it on the Mac just because I've read that iMovie is more stable and less crash prone than Windows MovieMaker. But I don't know when I'll even get into the editing... I'm still clip-collecting1 Sigh.
well, if it's anything like my stories... weeks or months from now, I might actually have a vid.
Or not!
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