Title: Understand The Things I Say
Author: Chaos
Beta: None, tragically.
Pairings: Sirius/Remus
Warnings: Angsty, weird dialogue format.
Ratings: M probably.
Spoiler Warnings: Pretty much everything about Sirius and Remus that's revealed up through...OotP I guess. Not the end, but if you know what I'm talking about then you already know...there's something weirdly circular about my spoiler warnings.
Disclaimer: Not mine no matter how many stars I wish on. DISNEY YOU LIED TO ME! The cut/title lyrics are also not mine but are from a lovely Cranberries song instead.
Summary: The life of Remus Lupin as relayed to Sirius Black in their years together. (With some added explanations in between.)
Author's Note: Um. Not beta'ed. If anyone is willing to look over it for me I would be indebted to you.
So this was actually posted many moons ago (not really a pun, but whatever it is it's unintentional) on my ff.net account. However I took it down and messed with it for a long time. It's pretty much unrecognisable from what it was before and I'm still not entirely satisfied with it but if I try to work on it anymore I will go bald. So I'm posting it instead.
I'm also new to this community so I hope I break no rules/conventions with this post. The link goes to my journal.
unhappiness was when i was young and we didn't give a damn...)