(no subject)

Jun 04, 2010 00:48

IC: Kousaka's three year anniversary is in a week and he's starting to really feel like he's been here forever. He's so used to the place that he's almost forgotten what not being in camp is like, even with the couple of days holiday he had. But he's happy in camp so it doesn't bother him and he doesn't even really think about it. He does need to get a new job since Rhode's left camp though.
OOC: I sometimes basically forget to play him for a month or so but when I do get him out I still thoroughly enjoy playing him, so I'm not worried. Playing him is as easy as breathing so he's also good to post with when I'm in the mood. I'd like for him to have more actual friends rather than just using him to bug people randomly, but it's pretty hard for him to form relationships since he's pretty easily distracted by shiny things.
Plans: Get him a new job, bug the other otaku more

IC: She is so sick of camp but instead of complaining about how she's sick of camp she's busy analysing how sick everyone else is of camp so she can pretend she's doing something productive.
OOC: I also forget to play Makoto sometimes! Which is worse because she should be doing things and have goals and stuff. But I'm not having problems with playing her, it's just that newer characters are taking up my time instead of her.
Plans: Throw her at other characters until she hits on some she can turn into projects.

IC: ELLIOT IS HERE ♥ Lotti is here too which worries him a little but ELLIOT ♥♥♥ Also he had fun with Loveless weekend (or is still having, since those threads aren't done yet).
OOC: Between getting my Elliot and getting new canon, I've been really picking up with Leo. He's still a bit of a backburner and I do mostly play him with his cast, but I'm working on that and I'm really excited about his character again thanks to the aforementioned surprise new canon. Playing him is always weird because there are less canon rails to hold me and also because his icon set isn't as varied as it could/should be, but I don't think I'm doing too badly at it.
Plans: Throw him at more people who aren't in his cast, fix his icon set (maybe give in and take him up to 30).

IC: He's really glad that everything seems to have worked out okay with the plot. He spent most of the time holed up somewhere safe hoping he wasn't about to die horribly, so that seems to have worked. He's curious about the Glee club since helping them out sounds like something exactly right up his alley.
OOC: OH GOD I WANT A CAST FOR NARUMI SO BADLY. It's hard to keep a balance between knowing what he's capable of and knowing that since he's not particularly close to anyone in camp, and has no good reason to get particularly close to anyone, he probably shouldn't be showing much of what he's capable of. He's easy to spam around with but I need to motivate myself to do it more often. Superficially he has a bit of crossover with Makoto in terms of type but they really are pretty different characters so I need to get over that and make sure I'm not making them overlap too much.
Plans: PIMP OUT GAKUEN ALICE also throw him at more people, especially the people he's already started bugging on a regular basis. Try and build up some relationships for him. Also post using some of the ridiculous magic things from canon that would be perfect post material.

IC: Barely even paid attention to the plot happenings because he had just canon updated and was too busy moping. Is feeling a little bit better now in his current threads having gotten some of his angst out in Maladict's direction even though we're still playing that out. He's kind of passed the WTF stage and is just starting to enjoy the strangeness of talking to Hobbits and Time Lords. He also still loves CFUD for being somewhere that everyone can be open about whatever strange creature they are and no one really minds. And the vampires here are pretty awesome too compared to home.
OOC: I THINK I MIGHT HAVE A PRIMARY GUYS. Mitchell is actually a hell of a lot easier to play than I expected, although he does require more thought than some of my characters. But he comes with easily-made relationships since he wants to hang out with the other vampires from the start and he has amazing canonmates to play off too ♥. I'm really enjoying playing him through updating too, canon left me in a pretty good place to play from.
Plans: IDK keep tagging around more, maybe try make some non-vampire friends but it's pretty IC of Mitchell to be off hanging with his junkievampire buddies all the time.

OOC: Hahaha I am playing off like two chapters of canon, knowledge of Tsuda's preferences and Takarazuka/Rose of Versailles references what am I doing. But actually, I think I'm doing okay. I'm more secure in Sakura's characterisation than I am with Leo's even though Leo technically has more canon. Mostly because I think Sakura is a pretty simple character and we've been shown all we need to know of his personality. What background details I'm unsure of I can fudge and no one's exactly interrogating him about all the details of his life. I'd forgotten just how much fun playing a dumb character is, and I am really enjoying myself. He's just slotted happily into my character set like he was always there, I can't believe I've only had him for a month.
Plans: BE PRETTY AT PEOPLE?? Make a pet journal for Oscar.

I have exams coming up and have signed my soul away to an internship with the public service for my break, so really I should be hiatusing. But I'm in such a good place with RP right now that I really don't want to. My activity last month was the highest it's been in months and months, and I feel more comfortable with my current lineup than I have in a long time. I have another app lined up but I'll hold off until I know how draining this internship is going to be for me. I really feel like this is a good time to go up to seven since I am so happy with my current playing, so I'm really hoping it doesn't make me too tired to play.
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