Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred - Days One and Two

Feb 27, 2010 21:34

So, I started Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred video in addition to trying to eat a hell of a lot more healthy in an attempt to lose a massive amount of weight. According to my doctor I need to lose (at this point) about 120 pounds. While, I don't think this is going to even physically possible, I have to admit that I am not happy with how I am now, and would be very happy to lose at least 75 lbs and be alot healthier.

The Mission: To be 53 lbs lighter by July 3, 2010

The Tools: Healthy Eating and Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred
Also, taking the stairs at work, parking a good distance from stores etc,
and generally trying to take exercise options that come my way.

Jillian Michaels' has stated that this workout should only be done a max of 4-5 times a week. I'm shooting for 4 days a week because of my work schedule. I am also only counting each day I do a workout as "A Day". i.e. Thursday was Day One, and Saturday is/was Day Two.

SO, with the claims of the video, in 30 Days of doing the workout I should be 20 lbs lighter.
DAY ONE - I weigh 253 lbs. I am SO not proud of this, and am so ashamed that I feel like sharing it will be the only way to help assure that I never get back there again. This is literally a weight that I said I would die if I ever got to. But, it is what it is, and this is why I'm here.

Eating: I ate ok for the day. I really have to get used to paying attention to the little things I pop in my mouth and don't think about. Friday, I ate amazingly, and Saturday did good too.

Workout: Kicked My Ass! I couldn't do the whole thing. I didn't take a ton of breaks, but I had to stop more often that I would like to admit. And I think I pulled a muscle in my left bicep. Two days later and it still hurts insanely to try and straighten my arm. DAY TWO of workout (Saturday) went about the same. I stopped early on a bunch of the arm stuff that was bothering my hurt bicep, but I still think I did ok.

Results: DAY ONE (THURSDAY): Nothing Yet DAY TWO (SATURDAY): 251 lbs. (Down 2)
I need to measure myself so I can see the results in that regard as well.

That's all for now. I will post again tomorrow after DAY THREE is complete!

diet, 30 day shred, exercise, weight loss, jillian michaels

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