Name: kristyn
Age: 17
Sex: female
Orientation: straight
Location: connecticut.
Narcotics: none for me thanks.
7 Favourite Bands: the movielife (rip). thursday. boys night out. ani
difranco (singer not band). lucky boys confusion. i am the
avalanche. modest mouse.
6 Favourite Movies: nightmare before christmas. girl, interrupted. fight club. a beautiful mind. requiem for a dream. slc punk.
5 Favourite TV Shows: i don’t watch TV my only favourite on the television is the golden girls.
4 Favourite Books: invisible monsters. (i’ve read every book chuck’s
ever written, so ANYTHING by him can fit in this category, he’s a
genius) requiem for a dream. smack. house of leaves.
3 Favourite Foods: runts, oreos, anything italian. (yeah, i’m a fat italian kid, so what?)
2 Favourite Colours: orange and hot pink. (or anything the average person would find tacky.)
1 Favourite Word: i say sketchy A LOT.
Gay Marriage: i am totally 110% for same sex marriages. marriage should
be about love and i think two people of the same sex can fall in love
just as easy as two people of opposite sex so they should be allowed
the same rights. i believe not allowing same sex marriages is
discriminating to one “group” something that was supposed to end after
the civil rights movement. i think it’s sad we still need to deal with
such problems today. i’m not sure what scares people so much about
seeing two people of the same sex inlove.
Abortion: i see no real problem with abortions. especially in the event
of an impregnating rape. however, after 7 months it is still possible
to get your pregnancy terminated and at 7 months a fetus could come in
to the world a very unhealthy slightly undeveloped baby but still live.
so i think there needs to be a line drawn somewhere. i’m not sure if
i’m for or against. i think if we have the technology then women should
be able to make their own choices about keeping the baby or not. it’s
unfair to say, well we can do this but ha ha ha you can use it. but
like i said, the line needs to be drawn somewhere.
Stem Cell Research: i think it’s amazing where technology has come. i
think the idea of steam cell research could really help our society and
many others. but it almost seems as we’re trying to make the
world perfect. keep everyone from death “too soon” and keep everyone
healthy. i mean it’s amazing people have come this far with stem cells
it really is. i’m just not sure if it’s ethically correct.
Body Modification: i am totally for body mods. lip rings on boys are
sexy. and i’m a big fan of tattoos. so i see nothing wrong with them at
all. it’s self expression.
Your Mods: only me ears. i SHOULD have my lip pierced but i got a puppy instead. (lame, i know)
The "Scene" where hair cuts are more important than the music: if by
“scene” you mean the “emo scene” and “scenesters” you should die for
calling it a “scene” (okay maybe not die, but you know) anyway. i don’t
really care about it. if you like the music then you like the music.
period and if you think cutting your hair to “fit in” will give you
“scene points” go for it. i listen to a lot of emo but i haven’t hacked
my hair off. but i do wear the glasses (yes i actually need them) and
do dress “emo.” that’s what happens when labels get out of control.
there’s nothing we can do about it because remember “you have to scene
to be seen.” riiiiight!
Where did you hear about us?:
Who did you promote to?:
___kisspelvis and
Why should we accept you?: i’m active and will promote. (ask the mods
of my other communities). i’m fabulous! and like i’ve said a million
times before, i’m cooler than my mom.
Anything else?: i may sound like a hypocrite in my application. i’m not. i’m just a confused kid.
(yeah, trucker hats suck. this i know)