May 13, 2009 11:52
Alright, so stuff has happened in my life, and you'd think over summer break you'd be LESS busy than you were at school. Hah!
But, something that I've noticed in the past few weeks: apparently "Southern Hospitality" actually is real. In that, things that I thought were common sense and just common courtesy are not. Who knew? So I've decided to just sorta throw a few up here. Consider it my great grandmother working through me.
Lesson 1: we'll start simple.
When someone you don't know is in a room/comes into a room, STAND UP (if you're sitting/the one in the room) and introduce yourself. Make eye contact and shake hands. Also, it often makes sense to introduce yourself in a way they can remember. For example:
Hi, nice to meet you! I'm _____________, so-n-so's (the person they know) roommate/friend/relation.
So, if I was introducing myself to Liz's (I sacrifice my fellow southerner Liz) mother it would be:
Hello Ms. Westbrook, it's a pleasure. I'm Cheyenne Koerth, Liz's friend from school.
Also, as a lesson 001.5- call adults by their titles until you are told otherwise. It's polite.