Mar 06, 2009 16:43
It still floors me that not a single person I encounter everyday in real life has any idea what Ska is. Even my so-called contemporaries. The Ska wave did happen in the late nineties, right? Or am I just imagining that it was a huge craze in the music world for at least a couple of years?
This came to the fore today because for casual Friday I decided to wear my old Operation Ivy T-shirt I used to wear back during my Ska days, and I was questioned by someone I thought would know what kind of music Ska was (ie not an old person). I got a blank stare instead, so I had to patiently explain for a few minutes what I was talking about in case they knew the music but not the name and this person still had no idea! And it's been this way in my life for years now! I even have my explanation speech standardized at this point.
Were all my trips to overpacked clubs to see Buck O Nine, The Hippos, and Fishbone just a big alcohol induced hallucination?