September: entirely full of thread-dropping and fail!
October...uh. yeah.
Oct 9:
hazards of the season with Hellboy and Peony Oct 10:
Boggarted! Which leads (eventually) to Oct 14:
hoshit a post! highlights include killing the Collector Manikin, fighting with Sera, and almost killing Kaiji ♥ -- who then gets rescued by Morrolan, who kills me.
Oct 15:
a brief discussion with Jack Skellington about proper Halloween; also, meeting Brook
and then CFUW omg.
Day one and adsfjk Radu, I want to meet you in main-game so bad now
Ousting, paranoia and sniping!
Oct 16:
who would I take to a desert island?, Dietrich asks.
CFUW day two
Day Two, omg I'm in a CFUW game with Albert Silverberg
Ousting, with sniping and also (futile) heroism!
Oct 17
CFUW continues
Day Three, oh Albert. I should stop liking people in this game! ;_;
Ousting Oct 18
CFUW has eaten my brain!
Day Four. Alfreeeeeeeddd~ ;_; I really need to stop liking people. really really.
Ousting, where at least he went down a hero.
And in main game:
meeting Radu for real Oct 19
CFUW comes to an end!
Day Five, and everyone is tense
Ousting, in which Usopp tries his best but nobody listens, orz
and the post-death party, where a bunch of people are angsting and Chiaki is making friends with Hotstreak because hey, sometimes you just gotta kill a guy.
Oct 22
hey there, hot stuff -- now with bonus Sera!
Oct 22
Alfred and Hotstreak's barbecue, with bonus Shinkurou!
Oct 24
demon form is just like a costume, and Brook is nice enough to compliment me on it! least at first.
Oct 27
Shinkurou is bitty but still won't tell me anything I want to know.
Oct 31
this is not the Thor I'm looking for, but honestly he's probably an improvement