The Pandemic party was fun. I made my Petri dish cookies. Sadly the picture is not uploading. the icing of bottom layer got smooshed when I added more cookies on top. Last time I was able to avoid this by putting the cookies in Petri dishes. I miss American Science and Surplus.
At the party, we won a Pandemic with the virulent strain, and also played Chicago Express. I'm still not great with the stock-buying mechanic, even though I tied for first. I feel like I don't know what I'm doing.
Mostly spent the rest of the weekend on chores.
Exciting things ahead at work:
Boss has renewed the push to get us our own lab at Schepens. I met with a few people there on Friday to start up procedures and equipment available . The boss also has asked me to put together a budget of what we'll need to purchase. Things like refrigerators, freezers, a UV chamber, plus all the consumables. I keep forgetting about all the things we don't buy now, like gloves. No word of a move in date yet.
Busy week ahead. Two work holiday parties this week, the building on Wednesday and the lab's ridiculously early one on Friday. Group meeting on Thursday, and afterwards I'm doing a mini journal club presentation, just five minutes. Finally Daisy has her annual checkup on Wednesday.