What’s the best book you read this year?
Already answered this but The Echo Wife, The End of Men, and One Last Stop were my favorites
What’s the worst book you read this year?
In terms of what I finished? Probably Women in the Shadows by Ann Bannon
Your favourite “classic” you read this year:
Mind of My Mind by Octavia Butler
The book that disappointed you:
Love Lives Here, as evidenced by my lengthy review and threat to throw it across the room.
The hardest book you read this year (topic or writing style):
Black Boy Out of Time was a difficult read for the subject matter.
The funniest book you read this year:
The Extraordinaries books, which made me laugh out loud.
The saddest book you read this year:
The Silent Treatment
A book that touched you: I was practically crying (happy tears) at the end of You Should See Me in a Crown
A(nother) book you read this year you want to recommend (maybe one that you haven’t mentioned yet?):
Other than the ones above, In the Dream House, The Very Nice Box
A book that you discovered this year that you will definitely read again:
Probably One Last Stop
A book that you never want to read again:
The World Gives Way. I've even dreamed about its last line
Were you part of a reading challenge? Did you meet it?
Nope. I never do reading challenges.
Which authors featured most prominently for you in 2021?
Robin Talley and Ann Bannon
The book series you read the most volumes of this year:
The Beebo Brinker Chronicles
The last book you finished this year:
The Husbands
The first book you will finish in the new year:
Not a clue
The genre you read the most this year:
I read a lot of SF, queer history, and YA.
Which books are you most looking forward to reading in 2022?
Starchild: A Biographical Constellation of Octavia Butler.
And finally, make a New Year’s Resolution: How many books do you think you will read in the new year?: I don't shoot for a target.nter your cut contents here.
Crossposted from Dreamwidth. Comment on either site.