his week I've been focusing on character sketches, rather than actual chapters. I gave a lot of thought to
rosefox's suggestions about writing about race.
They suggested writing how the character relates to their culture, what are they thinking, feeling, and doing, and my concern was for a supporting character, their cultural stuff was going to be their entire identity. But I think I actually do this well in writing fic? I might offhand mention food a character is eating, or a holiday they do or don't celebrate, or they have family in another country. But it's minor details, it flows with the story, and it's in the context of all their other character attributes-their actions, their relationships with the other characters, their job, their personality. I came to the conclusion I needed more development for my supporting characters. Mostly I had a few notes for each about their age, job, family origins, religion, etc, and who they are in relation to the main characters.
In the meantime, I'm reading and keeping in mind how other authors describe their characters.
What else? Resumed PT today for the first time in a month, which was fine.
We have a plan to move forward with the clinical trial. We'll find out if it worked on Tuesday. Fingers crossed.
Wish I had something more exciting.