A letter to my little bean

Jan 10, 2017 22:29

Dear Andy:

Daddy shared this picture with me today and my first reaction was how grown up you look. It seems like you're learning so many new things all the time.

Today Daddy mentioned you were pointing at your mouth because you were hungry. When he was gone tonight, you repeated the gesture. I mirrored it back, saying "food?" and you smiled, as if to say "yeah, you got it." Or maybe you just think I make funny noises.

We had some mac and cheese, and I gave you the spoon and held the bowl on your tray. You tried loading up your own spoon. You weren't quite able to do it, but you had the right idea.

A lot of moms get publicly verklempt at the signs their baby is growing up, but I absolutely love watching you learn new things. It is amazing to watch you grow up.




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