My Brush with Fame! Tee Hee

Mar 25, 2005 18:27

The boss decided to take the office out to lunch today, and as usual, we go to this semi-trendy little cafe in town here. The food isn't my style, but .. its tolerable. (I'd much rather have a big juicy steak or burger than a fashionable salad anyday.)

We're walking in and I see this guy with really long hair pulled through a baseball cap and I'm thinking he looks familiar. I whispered to Linda (My co-worker and occasional partner in crime) that I thought I knew that guy and couldn't figure out from where. I've met a lot of people in this small town and can't always remember where I know them from... work, the bar, etc...

So Linda sorta scoffs and says "He just has that rocker sorta look... like Anthrax or something". Then it hit me. I gasped quietly and said "MegaDave!" Linda gave me an odd look, so I explained further. "Dude, that's Dave Mustaine, from Megadeth! Ya know? He used to be in Metallica?" She realized I was right and we're getting all girly and giggly. (Pathetic, I know.) Jeff, the boss, looks at us and tells us we're crazy. That it probably just looked like him. I, though, was convinced. Said it HAD to be him. Well, about then, the waitress shows up to take our order and I ask her if she knows if the long haired guy up front with the two kids was "someone famous". She said she didn't know, but she could probably ask. A short time later, she came back and said she looked at his receipt and it said "Dave Moose- something"! Ha! Victory is mine! "Dave Mustaine?" I asked. She nodded, Linda and I high fived. Jeff laughed and said "You called it, Paige".

I would have loved to have gone and gotten his autograph, but I can't see bugging a guy while he's trying to have lunch with his kids. (Who were wearing uniforms from one of the local schools here.) Apparently, he lives in the area, so I'll likely get a chance again.

The Hubby wanted me to walk by singing a Megadeth song. Hehe. MegaDave must have figured out I recognized him though, as when I did go by again, he was wearing his sunglasses inside, and it sure wasn't bright.
15 freaking years in Southern California and its only the second famous person I've ever seen.
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