(no subject)

Jun 02, 2010 02:12

Crime rates going up again... mou--!

[This particular Aoko doesn't seem to have realized that her surroundings have changed so abruptly on her, as she steps through a random door and into a random hallway with a newspaper open in front of her face. Behind her heels, a very... strange-looking alien dog with green fur, seven tails and at least twelve eye stalks trots. She looks a little frustrated, and is clearly talking to said dog]

They'll blame it on the police force again, won't they? If they offered more police jobs to refugees, then maybe the crime rates on the ship wouldn't be so bad! [She huffs and lowers her newspaper] Don't you think Eyedo--

[And then stops herself short as she glances around at her new surroundings]

That's strange... I haven't seen this part of the ship before.

[The alien dog just barks]

[action], nakamori aoko

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