Nov 06, 2004 10:53
well i got to hang out with teddy last night. we went to Elkhart to Blindside. I watched Teddy Jeremey and MC ride their bicyles. i took pictures. got lots. i got one of jeremey doing a backflip. i hope they turn out nice. When me Teddy and Zack went to Kroger to get some super clue Jeremiah called us and told us that Brett was in a car wreck and that he was in surgery right then. but he didn't know what happened and what hospital he was at. Teddy has been trying to call Cory and Jeremiah all morning to see what is going on. Hope he is okay. But finally left Blindside at midnight. Drove around looking for places to eat but they were all just drive-thru. so we finally went to a 7 eleven. got some munchies. left took mc and zack home. on the way on zack kept telling jeremey that he could bet that jeremey couldn't sit at a stop sign for over 20 minutes so jeremey started to try but everyone in the backsit was getting pissed off including me. i wanted to get home. fell asleep. got home at 2. and now i'm up this morning...thought i was going to Ft. Wayne with Teddy, but he called saying he was already there. so i'm just sitting here waiting for something to happen. xo