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Comments 10

everythingshiny May 18 2013, 20:09:11 UTC
oh alright


justmyb0nes May 18 2013, 20:17:52 UTC
you want to do it :D


phaust_ May 19 2013, 04:11:34 UTC
well.. i get all lost in those land comms :{


justmyb0nes May 19 2013, 06:20:15 UTC
no you don't! JOIN IN! I will hep you!!


phaust_ May 19 2013, 06:25:50 UTC
yeah how hard can this be ;]
it is basically iconquest right? without the strong iconing themes:}

i will join when back in home :]


justmyb0nes May 19 2013, 06:50:27 UTC
it is more than theiconquest. If it works liek the usual landcomms, there are other challenges with words or find objects in pictures, this kind of games. It is not only icons. And there will be points per person and per team and the aim is to have fun with your team. And if possible win XD. but more having fun with your fellow memmbers.


hopeitallaway May 19 2013, 05:51:20 UTC
hope you have a lot of fun there dearie. :D


justmyb0nes May 19 2013, 06:19:32 UTC
you should coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooome


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