Back to business, LJ anniversary and a vid preview

Mar 28, 2015 22:47

I'm finally back from my forced hiatus and I missed Fandom and specifically my LJ friends so very much! *runs towards my flist*
First of all, THANK YOU for everyone who commented and checked on me during my absence and I'm so sorry for not being able to respond on time.

A lot of stuff is going on right now so a more personal (f-locked) post would probably follow this one.
Until then, turns out today is my one year LJ anniversary! And just as I finished my crazy work journey, as well. When I first joined LJ I just looked for a place to post the first fic I wrote. I joined fandom a few months earlier and LJ was this weird, old site to find old fics on, until I realized there might still actually be an active community there. The more I got into it I decided to give it a try, but I was so sure it'll be a one time thing I didn't even bother with any introductions. :D

Since I'm back and I've been working on this bad boy last night, I thought I'd share a preview for my next vid.
Technically, I suppose to have a lot of spare time on my hands now but again, some stuff is going on that is very unpredictable so I'm not sure when I'll be able to finish it or catch up properly. One thing is for sure, it's not gonna take three months this time.

As for the vid, since it's a preview I'll spare most of the explanations. It's Dean-centric (shockers), focuses on S10 and this part (as well as others that I'm still working on) is the quickest thing I ever edited in my life. I've been thinking about using this song ever since I first heard it about a month ago, it was pretty much finished in my head before I even started editing. Check out the lyrics and you'll immediatly get why.

Please watch in HD
Mobile devices/friends in Germany, the vid's available on Vimeo.

image Click to view

vidding, my vids

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