Title: Jody and Donna - The Spin-off Promo Vidder: justmep2 Characters: Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum (plus a surprise guest!) Genre: Promo, action, humor Pairing: Gen Rating: PG-13 Length: 1m Music: [Spoilers!] Beyonce - Run The World (Rock Remix by WiraX) Spoilers: Non plot-wise, but still up to 10.08. Warnings: Show level violence and blood.
Heee, thanks! Jody is awesome and Donna turned out to be pretty BAMF herself by the end. The comics is adorable. Jody & Donna talking about Wincest, what more can a girl ask for?
10x08 Missing Scene by KamiDiox on DeviantArt
The comics is adorable. Jody & Donna talking about Wincest, what more can a girl ask for?
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