[Vid] Say Something In a Perfect World - Sam/Dean Minibang Masterpost

Nov 11, 2014 17:58

For the Sam/Dean minibang @ samdean_otp

Fic Title: All the things I never said, but (I hope) you knew anyway
Vid Title: Say Something In a Perfect World
Author: dolnmoon
Vidder: justmep2
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: R; vid is NSFW!
Length: 2:56
Genre: Trailer
Music:[Spoilers for the vid- don't open. :)]

Kodaline - In a Perfect World
A Great Big World - Say Something
All Of Me/Say Something Mash Up - Shaun Reynolds & Lily Me

Warnings: Major Character Death

Spoilers: Up to 10.03

Fic Masterpost: Here!Summary: This is the story of Sam and Dean as Sam recounts them to his brother after his death. Sam's grieving, doesn't want to let go of Dean and can barely bring himself to move on. One night in the bunker alone with Dean's body, he tells Dean everything he's ever wanted to say to him and reminisces about their life together.
A/N: Oh my god, I can't believe it's done.
Fair warning before we start: This is NOT a happy vid, nor a happy fic. It can be misleading. Trust me.
More notes after the vid, hope you enjoy!

Links: YouTube | Vimeo
Please watch in HD!

image Click to view

Big thank you to the wonderful dolnmoon who inspired me with her beautiful story ( read it!) and was a real pleasure to work with. This was my first collaboration with an author as an artist and she made it a wonderful experience. Thanks also to samdean_otp mods for arranging this challenge and for being so very patient, and to wind_storms for her help and suggestions, and for listening to my ramblings.

Working on this vid veried from delightful to a complete nightmare since I lost it when my hard drive crushed. Recreating it wasn't easy, but I already knew what I wanted so once I started working on it again it all came back (to me, not to my hard drive unfortunately).
I had a hard time picking the music for this one, a few songs came to mind while reading it and I just couldn't decide which was best. But then it hit me: It's not a fanvid. It's a trailer for a story. I can use how many songs I want! *instert evil laughter here*
This is my first slash vid and I'm terribly anxious about the Wincest part, fun part - it required some research which I'm not complaining about, heh.

challenges, my vids, sam/dean minibang

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