[Vid] Demon Dean - Does That Make Me Crazy

Oct 21, 2014 19:43

Title: Does That Make Me Crazy
Vidder: justmep2
Characters: Dean, Sam, Crowley and others
Genre: Character Study, action
Music: Red Band feat. Ninet Tayeb - Crazy (originally by Gnarls Barkley)
Length: 3:24m
Warnings: Show level violence
Spoilers: Season 10 up to 10.02
Summary: "I remember when I lost my mind." A peek into demon!Dean's mind.

A/N: Huge ( Read more... )

season 10, my vids

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jj1564 October 21 2014, 16:54:45 UTC
This is your best vid so far, it is completely AWESOME and amazing! You got all my favourite demon!Dean lines in - 'did you miss?', 'with my teeth', 'everybody!' plus 'look at me bitch' from S9! The clips you chose were great and it was such a good snapshot of their journey so far. Good choice of song too. Crazy dangerous demon!Dean shouldn't be attractive but he so is!! Loved it!


justmep2 October 22 2014, 16:02:32 UTC
Thank you so much dear! This has definitely a collection of some of my favorite demon!Dean lines as well. And yes, demon!Dean is hot in this wrong, but so right way.


jj1564 October 22 2014, 23:27:58 UTC
Oh yes, "demon!Dean is hot in this wrong, but so right way" - what a shame he only lasted 3 episodes!


justmep2 October 23 2014, 00:47:40 UTC
I missed Dean so badly, but now that he's back I already miss demon!Dean. I think/hope it's not the last we see of him.


jj1564 October 23 2014, 10:46:23 UTC
We are so contrary aren't we? I was so upset when Dean became demon and now I'm upset that he's not one any longer!!


justmep2 October 24 2014, 11:23:42 UTC


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