Season 10 Wishlist

Oct 08, 2014 02:23

I saw this going at kalliel's and caranfindel's journals and was inspired to write my own very last minute wishlist. I never participated in the famous countdown or anything else to celebrate S10, but I certainly am excited about it. I'm gonna watch it tonight - or this morning, actually - 4am for me, but there's just no way I'm not live streaming this, at least for the premiere.

So, what I want in S10:

1. I want Sam to save Dean. Period. Judging by the promos this would be one wish that I sincerely hope would be granted. It must be Sam.

2. Back to being brothers. The boys' relationship haven't been the same since S4 and the demon blood, but they rebuilt it and learned to trust each other again, until S8 and Purgatory. Then they tried to rebuild it again, and S9 happened. I want them to remember how much they mean to each other, and how nothing can come between them, not even themselves and their own choices. And you know what? I'd be totally fine if when Dean's back to himself, it'd just happen. No long process, no long conversations about it.
Sam had a long time to forgive Dean about Gadreel, and to understand his actions and how far he'd go to save him. Dean would spend unkown time as a Demon and when he comes back from it, there'd probably be enough on his plate.

3. I want the 200th episode to be amazing. I know lots of people already hate it beacuse [A little spoiler that you probably already heard of]
Cas and Crowley aren't in it,

but I couldn't care less. I mean, I do care about.. it (trying to navigate around that spoiler), but I don't think it means the epiosde can't be great, or that it's disrespectful for the fans.
I actually have a little theory/specific wish for it, but this requires a little bigger spoilers cut, so if you don't know anything about the 200th and want to keep it that way, move along to the next point. It's nothing specific, just based on very vauge talks and teasers about it.
[Spoiler (click to open)]
Judging by what Carver and the others said about the meta and how J2 said fans would either love it or hate it and teased about THEM not singing in it, I decided that it must be.. puppets! You know, like in Smile Time in Angel? How awesome would that be? It can be a fan thing that's getting out of hand, I don't really care as long as we get a hilarious cracky episode.

4. And I desperatly want Jensen and Jared to sing in it.

5. Not entierly related to S10, but I want Jensen to sing more. He's been teasing at cons for a few months now, a line here and there, and there's what he recorded for Jason Manns Christmas album, but I wish he'd give us more. A whole song in a con would be a good start, and if it happens to be JIBCon I might need medical attention.

6. Ben Edlund back. Pretty please?
Speaking of, a GOOD crack episode. We haven't had one in ages, probably since Edlund left, and I miss it so much. The show's latest attempts with crack episodes were something I really don't want to over think

7. I want Cas to stay Cas. No weird transformations, no losing his mind, becoming human, becoming god, becoming whatever. I'm not against character development, but I want him to be stable for at least one season in a row, is that too much to ask?

8. More supporting characters. I watch for the brothers, but I miss having great supporting characters around like Bobby, Ruby 1.0, Meg etc. I never liked Garth, Kevin's gone, we get to see Charlie or Jody for about one episode per season. I want more of that dynamic, either with old charcaters or new ones.

9. A great villian! Don't get me wrong, I liked Metatron, but I don't want his story to continue deep into S10. Crowley is great but I can't feel like he's a real danger, Abaddon was awesome but used so little. I just want a good old Big Bad like YED, Alistair or Lucifer.

10. I don't want it to be the last season! I feel like I joined an awesome party way too late, where everyone's still having a blast and I just want it to keep going. I'm optimistic about it, Creation keep announcing cons for next year like nothing's changed and everyone keeps saying in interviews how much they're having fun and want to keep going.
I don't like shows that ends after everyone's so tired of it, fans and cast included, but I feel like SPN has a lot more stories to tell and I'm not ready to say goodbye to Sam and Dean just yet.

season 10, supernatural

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