Word of the day, among other things....

Jan 21, 2009 14:31

Learning something new everyday, is very much the way to go. ;P

phi·lol·o·gy: [fi-lol-uh-jee] Show IPA Pronunciation

-noun 1. the study of literary texts and of written records, the establishment of their authenticity and their original form, and the determination of their meaning.
2. (esp. in older use) linguistics, esp. historical and comparative linguistics.
3. Obsolete. the love of learning and literature.

which I have gotten from a paper from Neil Gaiman published in 2004, showing the word philologists :noun a humanist specializing in classical scholarship or Phi*lol"o*gist\, n. One versed in philology.

Here is the paper ;Phttp://www.nytimes.com/2004/12/05/books/review/05GAIMANL.html?_r=3&scp=4&sq=brothers%20grimm&st=cse

And supposedly english is my first and only language and yet there are many many words that I really need to know. ;P or at least I am sad that I do not.

The main problem I have, is making myself sit down and read something and fully get the meaning. I do understand what I read but the actual problem is, my mind is not on the text at hand but on many other little things.

I am thinking about making a scarf, drawing cards, paiting cards, wondering when I have time to read some book I've wanted to read, wondering what is happening on the game site I play and telling myself I do not need to play that game site, thinking that I would like to write a short story or two, thinking that I need to finish a blanket that someone is expecting, wanting to work on some Jams that I've been sent and I need to get back...and all kinds of other things that I need to do but I keep putting off doing.

and so I get this whole panicky feeling in my brain, a sort of buzzing, numbing hurricane of blah which, quite frankly just puts me right off my game. *nuff complaining but it's true.*

So, this post is mostly to remind myself to take a very deep breath...again. Calm down. I seem to need to remind myself of this on a daily basis. Live in the now, take deep breaths and get my work done, or at least started. Whew. :)

gaiman, calm, words

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