Dec 17, 2016 07:31
My life is not as busy as it sounds, but then again it is...
So, if you haven't heard me talking about the two new part-time positions that I picked up teaching, I have picked up two new part time positions. I thought that I was going to give up the community college position, because I was getting very disgruntled with the lack of communication, scheduling, and instructions on the how to's, but I got a syllabus for spring semester and I decided to hold off. I gave the lead instructor all of the classes that I was available for teaching, with the thought of "we will see what happens now". I had second thoughts about giving up a job that I really hadn't even had a chance to get started on yet.
My teaching job at the hospital is in full swing with more and more responsibility given and expected. That's a good thing. January will be a telling month, for them and me, if I am getting better and if I am cut out for teaching. I will say that I am still loving it, but I also, want to be good at it and that doesn't just happen, because I love it. I am teaching for the hospital one to two days a week and will teach for the college one to two nights a week with some Saturdays. The way we are paid seems like the 'waiting tables days' in that I have money come in all the time. The medic pays is bi-weekly, the hospital pay is opposite bi-weekly days, and the college pays once a month, which is like a bonus when I actually teach there. At any rate, I have money coming in every week, even though the teaching really isn't bringing in that much.
I have been playing in my kitchen again making Christmas treats for co-workers and decorating sugar cookies with the grands. Last Sunday we watched Audrey and Norah and decorated cookies with Audrey. Today, Ayla and one or two more kids from work friends, are coming over to decorate. I cna't wait, but I need to get to baking the cookies and figure out what craft to do with them. Then Ms. Ayla is spending the night with me. I love our sleep overs. I'll pick up Jason or he will come over to help decorate, not sure which yet.
I was going to insert some photos of goodies, but my stoopid 'smart' Windows phone has crapped out on me and I'm back to my old Iphone which will not sync up with my tablet for some reason. I'm not even going to try to re-learn the how to's with this phone, because I'm picking up my Samsung phone this morning. I ordered it off ebay, so that I wouldn't have to sign up for a two year contract and add extra money to my phone bill. Those stoopid "next" agreements piss me off and after 20 yrs. with this service I may choose to go rogue with another carrier. There is a business that unlocks phones, so I'm hoping if I do decide to change carriers that they will be able to unlock my phone for that said carrier. Screw you money grubbing businesses!!
I say 'pick-up' Jason, because Jason broke his right ankle and is in a temporary cast until he can schedule the needed surgery to set it. He drove last night, so I don't know if he is dantily testing those waters or full out driving whereever he needs to go. I remember doing the same when I broke my leg. We actually were/are broke on the same side, the pedal pushing side.
I'm cooking Christmas dinner, I've been slack about the email, so consider this a heads-up that I will be emailing soon. Jason won't get Ayla until around 2, so that dinner will be an early dinner. I'm thinking 4, but I need to discuss with Tom. I'm hoping the family can make it. It will be prime rib and, of course, sides. Mom has already offered up the pumpkin cheesecake, yummo!!. Please, bring a sweater, our heat is acting finicky.
Well, I must get to making cookie dough. I hope everyone has a happy holiday season!!