Apr 13, 2007 17:47
I have been stricken. Infected. Devoured completely and utterly.
I have a new fandom.
Yes, I have been sucked into the world of Wolverine and Rogue. Logan and Marie. Xmen 1, 2, and 3 have been purchased and I am corrupting others with my fascination. My mother and I sat down and had a Logan drool fest the other nite before she left for Alaska.
I blame no one but myself for this, and maybe, my hubby. For his not being here to satisfy the need for romance in my life. lol
Oh, and I blame Minisinoo. I luv ya doll but ya got me looking at one Xman, Scott *A Room With A Computer* and now I just am a shell of former HP hype and now want to watch grownups struggle with UST and RST. lol
I am still fixated on the world of HP, but it has shifted. Did you all know YouTube has HUGE amts of vids for Rogue and Wolverine? You DID? Pfft...no one told me. ;> Ah well. Now that I know...hehehehe.
So far I havent found some of the debauchery that resides in some HP stories, ie: anything with Snape pretty much (lol), but magic sure does allow for a lot.
Of course I am sticking pretty much to the one pairing. Gotta luv a wild Australian with animal characteristics....no, really. YOU DO. I insist.
Okay..so there in lies the explanation why I have been absent from some boards and stories lately. I still get my flist stuff, but have kinda slacked off on the story finding mission I was on. Did you know I was on one? Heh. Neither did I.
Take care FLIST. Y'all can respond or not, makes no diffie. Gonna soak up some more ROGAN goodness/badness and dream of...well. Whateva. hehehe.
Lots of luv and admiration for y'all.