1. Does anyone out there have a dremmel tool that I could use for a brief while to make really nifty Thieves Tools for Magestry?
2. Does anyone out there want to let me carpool to the photosession in Danbury tomorrow?
3. So, how has everybody been? Not much new and exciting here. Same old, same old. Life is good. Yadda yadda.
4. a. Go to
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You should totally be a #31 with a hint of #18. That would make you a really interesting movie character.
Megara started out as an American gladiator but when her best friend was killed in a suspicious gauntlet accident she left to pursue the career she had always wanted. A horse training economist. Now they are pulling her back into to ring whether she likes it or not. But they never expected her vast knowledge of economies of scale or her trained army of horses. Meg is Megara in "Supply of horses and demand for asskickary"
Slight correction. Meghara is the name of my gladiator persona. Get it right, or I'll get you.
You, however, know what I'm talking about. You don't by any chance have one, do you?
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