Rambling update.

Sep 10, 2007 15:38

 Last week was kind of a rough week. I was pretty sick for most of it, even more than I was admitting to myself at the time. I am feeling better now, even if I'm still a bit tired. I have a new computer here at work because my other one completely died right before Magestry. It was a sad death for me, and ridiculous amounts of work getting all my setting back to the way I like them in all my programs. But on the upside, for whatever reason gmail is un-blocked for me again. Yay. I made Scott clothes for FQ; they were a liitle warm, I guess, but come November I know that won't be the case. BMN was pretty cool; the people moreso than the movie, but that's always the case. Thanks to everyone who came -- it was a really great ending to a long and rough week. Then I had my Single Parents' playgroup on Saturday where no one showed up. Just me and the kid. It was great! Well, except for the small fiasco with the alarm system, but that is likewhateverIdonotcare. After that I had a really great trip to NH with Mo and Mrs. Slater. It was a 5 hour round trip for a 10 minute dress fitting, but fun just the same. Erik, if you are reading this, you owe me big time for making me wear a dress. Jerk. ;-p But it is a beautiful dress, and I love you enough to be girlie for a day. But just one day. That's it. So then yesterday was 3 parts chores, 5 parts sleeping, and 2 parts geek with a fun adventure in MD&D land. Rand, we needed our brain pan something fierce. You aren't allowed to miss any more or I'll cry. ;-) Work today was hectic -- trying to catch up from the holiday, still, and the time I took off in addition to that. Not so bad, though. No crazy fires or ridiculous deadline. Yet. ::knock on wood:: Tomorrow in the most bizarre turn of events ever I'm going to go volunteer at the Water For People golf tournament. And get paid to be there by my company. I hate golf. But I love being outside and not doing much of anything for the sake of taking people's money for charity. Woohoo. Scott is amazing, in case I haven't mentioned that excessively enough to anyone. For all your girls who never dated him, boy did you miss out, and I'm not giving him up without a fight. Seriously. He's just awesome. And he's mine. So ;-p. Hmmm... what else? That's not even a fraction of what's happened in the last week, but it will have to do. Back to work so I can play on a golf course tomorrow. In the rain. :-D (Yes, I'm actually happy about that.)

::waving goodbye::
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