Venting Before an Eruption

Aug 02, 2007 10:37

So, my ex-husband is an idiot. No big surprise there. But I was partially hopeful that he may have matured at least slightly in the last 2 years. Damn me and my glass-half-full outlook…

I'm on the planning committee for my 10-year high school reunion. Yeah, I know, I'm young/old (depending on who you are.) There are only 4 of us, and there's a lot to do when planning such a big gathering, so I volunteered to take all the RSVPs and be the one who deposits all the money in the reunion fund account. No big deal, right? I mean, I know there were people who didn't like me in high school, but I couldn't imagine that there were people that would hate me enough to not go to the reunion just because they had to send a correspondence to me. ::shrug:: Whatever.

You know who I didn't factor in? My ex-husband. Apparently, he went through the Alumni association just so he could get a different contact than me to send his correspondence to. Now the poor person who he was put in contact with is tip-toeing around me, which just makes the situation unnecessarily awkward. I mean, what in the heck was he thinking?! That I'm on the committee, processing the rsvps, and no one would tell me that he was coming? That there will be so many people at this reunion that I won't notice he is there? This is ridiculous! My god, we are supposed to be adults!

Honestly, I don't care whether or not he's there. I'm going to see old faces, say hello, and have a good time. He apparently still wants to act like an immature child. Grrr. Didn't we both get what we wanted? Isn't everything said and done? What the heck is the issue here? If he starts crap there... ::sigh:: I just don't know what I'm going to do...

Why the heck do I have to be the better person all the freaking time? If I ever go crazy, I'm adding his name to the slaughter, for serious.

This weekend is overdue for me. Hanging out gives me energy, and right now my reserves are just tapped. I need it. Magestry felt like enough until about Tuesday morning. My stress levels are ... beyond measure. I need laughter. I need hugs. I need chill time. Wah.

Anyway. You all have a great day, and I'll see some of you soon.  
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