Public Service Announcement:

Jul 27, 2007 08:14

Just in case anyone is wondering, Bad Movie Night will not be at my place this evening. I'm tenatively hoping to host it next Friday, but we may skip the "Bad" part and do "Wizard People, Dear Reader." I'll talk about it next week.

Right now, I'm focused on one thing and one thing only: MAGESTRY!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!

Maybe it was the large coffee, but I've totally hit bounce mode. Who am I kidding? I'm always bouncing off the walls for Magestry! My only reservation this time is that I won't be able to just lounge at Schriebers -- too much plot to run, people to kill; you know, the NPC gig. But I know it will be a great weekend, just the same.

GINA!!! If you see this, bring my boss' cooler and my sunglasses with you!!!

Have a great weekend, everyone!
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