My Autobiography

Jul 03, 2007 14:10

Man, I'm such a sheep.

Fill this out IN YOUR OWN WORDS and repost as "My Autobiography".

1. Who took your default pic? 
Got it from the internets. The ones that are actually me were taken my Steve (except the close up one, which Jen took here at work.)

2. Exactly what are you wearing right now?
Brown sandles, plaid dress pants, cream long-sleeve shirt (hey - the AC is cold here.)

3. What is your current problem?
I should be finishing two proposals due Wednesday instead of playing online

4. What makes you most happy?
Fresh air, being outside, being with people who are laughing and having a good time

5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Between songs at the moment -- just comercials playing on the radio

6. Do you like MTV?
Not really. But I don't watch it either, so I don't have a good reason.

7. Name something that annoys you about people?
Close-mindedness is about the only thing that really pisses me off.

Chapter 1:
1. Nickname(s)
Megatron (my new fav), M, Mkat, Meggie, Megera, Megut, ... that's all I can think of at the moment

2. Eye Color?
Green or Blue depending on surrounding, with a yellow inner ring

3. Hair Color?
Strawberry Blonde

Chapter 2:
1. Do you live with your parent(s)?
Yeah um no

2. Do you get along with your parent(s)?
I love my mom; she's probably my best friend. I haven't so much as spoken to my father almost exactly 6 years. That's a good thing.

3. Are your parents married/separated/divorced?

4. Do you have any Siblings?
Yes. Devin, my "little" brother. Who should probably be incarcerated for poor parenting and drug use.

Chapter 3:
1. Ice Cream:
Turkey Hill's Peanut Butter Ripple. Or whoever made the stuff that tasted exactly like Bailey's Irish Liquor

2. Season?

3. Book:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galazy

4. Band:
Goo goo dolls

5. Food:
Sushi (eel or calamri)

6. Drink(s) (non alcoholic):

7. Drink(s) (alcoholic):
White Russian w/ a shot of Bailey's

8. Past-time:
Hiking and Larping

9. Pen Color:
Pilot Precise V5 Black.

10. Store:
Blue Moon

Chapter 4:
1.Write on your hand?

2. Call people back?
Yes, if I remember to check my messages

3. Believe in love?

4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed?
Yeah, the left side has always kind of been mine whenever I've been sharing.

5. Have any mental health issues?
Nope. Other than a lack of memory, I'm probably as mentally and emotionally stable as it is possible to be.

Chapter 5:
Have You...
1. Broken a bone?
Yes, dispite opinions of stupid doctors, I had in fact broken my ankle. And I broke my collar bone once when I was too little to remember it.

3. Had physical therapy?
Yes - I used to hyper-extend my knees all the time

4. Gotten surgery?
Yes. C-section. But that's it, unless you count various dental issues.

5. Taken painkillers?
Yep. Before my fibromyalgia was diagnosed, there were other stupic doctors who had me addicted to Tylenol 3 (Codiene). And since rehabing from that, I haven't taken anything more than IB Prophen for pain.

6. Have you ever gone SCUBA diving/snorkeling?
Yes. My first experience with those was in the Great Barrior Reef. As Scott likes to say, I'm a "reef snob."

7. Been stung by a bee?
Only once when I was little and stepped on one while barefoot. But I still hate wearing shoes!

8. Threw up in a doctors office?
Yeah. It happened once right about the time the doctor asked if I really felt sick or if I just wanted to get out of school. Showed him, didn't I?

Chapter 6:
Last Thing,.....
1. Movie you saw in the movie theaters:
Pirates of the Carribean 3, w/ Scott in Georgia

2. Person to text you?

3. Thing you touched?
Other than the keyboard and mouse? Paper.

5. Thing you said?
"I'm transfering you to Maggie. Have a great holiday, and I'll see you Thursday."

7. Person you hugged?

10. Person to call you?
JKM on her cell (she's in the field and needed something)

11. Last book you read?
Bones of the Moon (only half way through right now)

12. Place you worked?
Before Wright-Pierce I worked for A.R.Mazzotta as a temp, but my post was here doing pretty much the same job for less pay and less hours. Before that it was Cutco, selling knives.

13. Time you cleaned your room?
I vaccuum and dust once a week, but my current bedroom has never actually reached "clean" status since I moved in -- there's still too many boxes. :(

Well. That was kind of boring even for me. ::shrug:: It beat working for 5 mintues, though. ;-)
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