You know you've had a great weekend when the rainbow doesn't make the top ten of highlights.

Jul 02, 2007 09:56

I'm going to have to get some pictures from
angebunnie, because they would speak much louder than these words. But, basically, it was another super incredible weekend.

Tanglewood is possibly the most beautiful place I've been. Ok, that's a lie, but it's seriously up there at the top of the list. Maybe just because Garrison Keillor is hysterical, and James Taylor's songs hold great meaning for me... or maybe it was all those people gathered peacefully, just relaxing and listening, eating their meringue pies and sipping their wine... or maybe it was the amazing company I was surrounded by, with laughs and love and endless smiles... or maybe it was the mountainous horizon and walking barefoot through endless fields of perfectly cut grass and the childish fun of frisbees and hedge mazes... or maybe it was laying in the sunshine all day under a beautiful blue sky, sheltered from the sun by perfectly fluffy white clouds ... well, whatever the reasons, or maybe because of all of them, Saturday was truly a soul-healing, cup-overflowing day. And that's not even mentioning the truly extraordinary rainbow that was so bright you could see it's end stretch down into the trees, or the cosby sweater emphasizing the simple comfort that a man didn't design the american flag. ;-)

Sunday included a boat ride and being by the river -- there was more perfect grass between my toes, more laughs and love and endless smiles... the air was just fresh and crisp, and the excitement of jumping the waves and feeling the wind, accompanied by Moira's youthful giggles... there's such energy that comes from purely enjoying your surroundings! I'm really, truly, overflowing with it. Oh, innocence, how I missed you, and how wonderful it is to grasp at you again.

And THEN I got to drain a vampire of his essence, and let me tell you, there's just no better end to a fantastic weekend. ;-)

Man. I LOVE life right now. I have nothing to complain about. Except maybe that I'm exhausted. But it's a good exhausted -- a sleepiness that comes from simply not sleeping, but every waking moment was filled with fun and joy, so I'm glad of the tiredness. And the coffee. Mmmm coffee. And grits. Mmmm grits.

Well, that's enough rambling out of me. Back to absurdly grinning at my computer screen trying to look like I'm working while simultaneously trying desperately to keep my eye lids open. It's a loosing battle, but I'm even happy about being tired right now.

I know. I'm ridiculous. ;-) 
And I have every intention of staying this way, so get used to it. ;-p
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